Legend of Lt Gen JFR Jacob !!

Legend of Lt Gen JFR Jacob !!

Sixth death anniversary of Lt Gen Jack Farj Rafael Jacob, PVSM. The #IndianBrave veteran passed away #OnThisDay 13 Jan in 2016, aged 92 Remembering his service to the Nation during #IndoPakWar1971.

Gen Jacob was also celebrated in Israel, where his uniform hangs in the Israeli military museum. He is featured in John Colvin’s book on Jewish military heroes, Lions of Judah. Jacob was an advocate of strong India-Israel relations. But he rejected all offers to move to Israel.

“I am proud to be a Jew, but am Indian through and through. I was born in India and served her my whole life. This is where I want to die,” he once said

I sometimes wonder how he convinced Niazi and what would he be thinking in those 30 minutes which he gave to Niazi Would give anything in this world to hear that conversation in person His autobiography "An Odyssey in War and Peace" till date remains one my favourites.