Importance of Failure !!

Importance of Failure !!

My squadron,India squadron has always performed well in X-Country.So much so that in my 6 terms in NDA ,we saw the runners up trophy thrice and rest of the time we were in Top-5.Winner of the X-Country gets Glider ,most prestigious trophy in NDA.

In our squadron we didn't have anyone who was in first enclosure neither we had any medalist.But as a team our squadron always performed very well.

Though I was not a great runner but our squadron used to practice a lot so much so that no one could ever beat us in the amount of hard work ,our squadron used to practice the most.
It was very heartbreaking for all of us to practice the most and then come second.Since in war there is no second place.

Despite that amount of hard work ,we never got the Glider.But that didn't mean that we stopped working hard for it.That hard work, discipline and consistency helped us to become the Champion Squadron in our Final Term.

As an aspirant ,there will be many ups and downs in your life.This doesn't mean that you stop working hard .If you just keep your head down and keep on running,you will reach the finishing line.

"Hardwork never goes waste"

Ps-Eye of the tiger is my squadron song