My experience in NDA Special !!

My experience in NDA Special  !!

My parents used to live in Delhi while I was undergoing training at National Defence Academy.This meant only one thing that I had to use NDA Special while coming home during term break.

Initially I was very hesitant to use NDA Special as it meant that 2 Days out of my precious 28 Days Term will now be used for traveling but still I gave it a shot as I was quite inquisitive about the special train.

As soon as we landed on the station we were made to stand in a queue in front of our respective bogeys on which our squadron and battalion was clearly indicated.

We were then allotted our seats which was just a formality as ultimate purpose was to sit with coursemates do lot of BC,make noise and just have loads of fun .

Fact:-As soon as the train leaves Pune station the Pipe band starts playing it's tunes and as soon as we come back then welcome us with the same tune .

Very few people know this but our Drill Ustaads also accompany us on the train but the best part is that even they know that we are proceeding on leave and they don't say anything until and unless we are somewhere grossly wrong.

Most surprising fact about NDA Special is that when you are going home ,you are constantly wondering why this train is moving so slow and when you are coming back from term break and going to academy,you are constantly wondering why this train is moving so fast