1.If legends are to be believed, even after his death Martyr Harbhajan Singh’s spirit still guards India’s Borders and protects his motherland from foreign enemies.

2.Born on 30th August 1946 in a small village in Punjab, Harbhajan Singh was quick to get himself enrolled in the Indian Army on 09 February 1966.

3.In 1968 the northeastern parts of India faced severe landslides and floods due to heavy rainfall. Because of this, the army had to be deployed for a rescue operation in those regions as heavy rains was taking the form of a disaster and
claiming lives.

3.Hoping to find Sepoy Harbhajan Singh, the Indian army deployed an extensive search party, which sadly returned empty-handed.This made the Indian Army officials declare him a deserter.

4.If stories are to be believed, it is said that after this tragic incident, Sepoy Harbhajan Singh appeared in the dreams of his fellow soldier Pritam Singh and told him where he died.

5.Surprisingly, when matters were investigated, Martyr Harbhajan Singh’s body was found in that exact spot as was told to Pritam Singh, thus helping the army in its own search party.

6.According to the legends, there have been multiple reports of soldiers claiming that in an event of war between India and China, Baba Harbhajan Singh had warned the Indian soldiers of an approaching attack on our borders in advance.
7.Many soldiers claim that Baba himself had disciplined army officials with a slap for not maintaining a proper attire or not doing their duty well.

8.Even at times of war, the aggressive Chinese army is known to pay respect to Baba Harbhajan Singh. To pay respect to the spirit, they even keep an empty chair in their customary flag meetings.

9.All this made the soldiers of the Indian Army refer to the martyred Harbhajan Singh as Baba Harbhajan Singh.They have even built a shrine in his honour.

10.According to the folklore that is popular among the soldiers, Baba Harbhajan Singh grants favours to the men on the battlefront and protects those who worship him.
11.Every year on 11 September, a jeep departs with his personal belongings to the nearest railway station from where it is then sent by train to the village of Kuka.

12.A special reservation for the Baba is made. Every year a seat is left empty for the journey to his hometown and three soldiers accompany the Baba to his home. 

13.A small sum of money is contributed by soldiers posted in Nathula to be sent to his mother each month.

14.The presence of Baba on the Sino-Indian border at Nathu La Pass surely helps India’s soldiers have a confidence boost.

15.Facing the inhospitable high altitude environment with such an aggressive enemy just on the other side of the border, they often smile and place their trust in their guardian spirit by saying, “The dragon is scared of him. At this border, we have his backing. Nothing can go wrong here.”