Are SSB Coaching Scam ??

Are SSB Coaching Scam ??

Every year around 60k-75k candidates attempt “The Toughest Selection Procedure“ in the world- Service Selection Board. The craze to join the armed forces is understood however what is amazing are the candidates thinking that they can literally buy “Officer Like Qualities” thru SSB Coaching Academies across country.

Though these days every Tom(SSB Recommended Candidates) ,Dick(Veterans having no experience as assessors) and Harry (Veterans having experience as assessors) opens up his/her version of SSB Coaching most of the times packaged as either SSB Mentoring or Life Changing Course or Personality Development etc. 

Are SSB Coaching Scam ?

No but mostly Yes!!

There are three types of candidates who join any SSB Coaching.

Candidate A- Josh type personality, sooner or later will clear SSB . Has joined coaching due to FOMO.

Candidate B- Average candidate who has some  minor problem which can be corrected with help of effective guidance 

Candidate C-has no personality whatsoever, does not put in the required effort anywhere whatsoever.Some are good person at heart but have massive language problems both in speaking-writing and not willing to improve it.


Candidate A gets recommended most of the times-Credit goes to the Academy.

Candidate B gets recommended some times-Credit goes to the Academy.

Candidate C almost never gets recommended-Credit goes to absolutely no one. They are generally told  by coaching that better luck next time just improve your personality or communication skills etc etc


The coaching definitely plays an important role in people like Candidate B and probably very little role in Candidate A.

Problem lies with people like Candidate C. No coaching tells them ki bhai you don’t have the basic fundamentals to clear SSB. They are the ones who get exploited as their parents end u paying upto Rs 25k for their kids.


This phenomenon was noticed by me when I started working as a Partner in one of these online SSB Coaching Academy. After working for few months in this field and getting 50+ Recommendations, I didn’t feel like continuing anymore .Why ?


Although I could definitely see some positive change in candidates after they spent two week with the assessors working in that coaching academy ,however it was a total heartbreak in interacting with good candidates after they got rejected. I personally felt that “Luck” played an instrumental role in SSB as well. So I left that organisation and I didn’t wanted to be part of this Candidate C type exploitation Industry anymore. Very intended and happy now that I corrected my MISTAKE , however am also very proud that I had a small role to play in 50+ Recommendations of Candidate A and Candidate B type only.


Should you join SSB Coaching?

Even if I say don’t join please , FOMO hoga and you will end up paying 25k yourself.

So my opinion doesn’t matter  however my only advice to you is that if you decide to join , please join only those guidance programs where DIPR Trained Ex-SSB Assessors are the instructors because these days many Recommended Candidates, ex cadets and veterans having no tenure at SSB have started their coachings. 

Please note that there is nothing wrong in these coachings where the person incharge has no tenure at SSB or is not DIPR Trained and are only using there experience of leadership as officers or clearing SSB to guide others however I feel that a person who is DIPR Trained or Ex-SSB Assessor would be better for SSB point of view only. These views are my personal only

Even if you can’t afford any coaching, no need to worry as there are many free resources available on youtube. I have shared a google drive link in my telegram channel where you can access free and quality SSB material. I had the privilege to record with many Ex-SSB Assessors on my YouTube channel, I am sure those will help as well. 

I thought to share my experiences,mistakes and recommendations with you guys.

For all those who feel getting recommended in SSB makes them qualified to literally make a business out of it.

Thoda controversial hain but it's the harsh reality. Sorry if I hurt someone's sentiments.

I have shared what I have seen and experienced on social media. Even made many mistakes myself .

Hope this helps