Largest staybacks in history of National Defence Academy !!

Largest staybacks in history of National Defence Academy !!

This picture is of one of the largest staybacks in history of National Defence Academy.Just few weeks before going home there were series of phones which were confiscated from cadets.This was probably the largest group of cadets who were caught with possession of a forbidden item.

Even the ACC (Senior most cadet) was caught with a phone.
So the academy decided to punish all the cadets by not allowing them to go home in term break and awarding them 10 Endurance Hikes(EH) to be completed in 10 days.

Every EH meant that cadets had to run 25 km with full big pack in 3 hrs and that too on hilly terrain.

Only few cadets were able to complete and rest became medical category.Few even went on sick leave in middle of the stayback due to hair line and stress fractures.

In the coming months, keeping mobile was made relegatory offence 
Ps- I was also present in this stayback but for a different reason