Lessons I learnt in NDA !!

Lessons I learnt in NDA !!

Yesterday was a very special day as 16 January is observed as NDA Day It is amazing that as a cadet you wish to get out of NDA as soon as possible and Once you get out ,you would give anything in this world to become a cadet again Five lifelong lessons which I learned at NDA:-

1) "If a thing doesn't kill you ,it only makes you stronger." Every single day you get to know the limits of your body.Only easy day was yesterday. When you leave NDA, no matter what GOD throws at you, You take it with a smile as you have already seen worse.

2) "Appreciate everything and be grateful for what you got" In NDA you start appreciating small things of life which you didn't give much importance earlier. Like Sleep, talking to family and loved ones and eating food in your own sweet time. Only in NDA I realised their value.

3) "Everything is mental" Absolutely no limits to human capabilities and your limits are what you set in your mind While undergoing training you won't realise it but in the name of squadron spirit when you push yourselves,you get to realise the superpowers you possess.

4) "Brothers Beyond Blood" The camaraderie is something which cannot be explained to the aam janta It can only be experienced. The bond with your coursemates, squadron types, place types and various other forms of pals is beyond imagination.

5) "It's not just a building" The squadron building becomes your mother providing you food,becomes your father providing you with shelter and protection and becomes your elder sibling which is always there to help you. It's not just a building but the love of your life.

Neither it can be inherited nor it can be purchased. It can only be earned.